Rossana has been bringing personal taste and charm to Park Centraal’s Front Office team for over a year, and her superpowers as Guest Service Manager know no bounds. An organizational force you can always count on for a great joke, she’s drawn to the youthfulness, approachability and open-mindedness of our team. Which makes sense, given she ticks all those boxes (and many more).

Get To Know Rossana
Astrological signs
A Leo (like fellow tastemakers Coco Chanel, Andy Warhol and Madonna).
Favorite place for some R&R?
Anywhere with a sunset. Why? “Sunsets make me feel hopeful, connected to nature and like anything is possible.” And when she wants to feel connected to culture? Find her exploring new restaurants, art events and museums with her nearest and dearest. Or helping our guests do the same.
Biggest misconception about working in the guest service team?
“Many people just think of a hotel as a recreational holiday space, which it is. But there’s also a ton of safety considerations that take a lot of responsibility (and guts) to face. People might also find it interesting to know that while Guest Service Managers are always guest-oriented, they’re equally team-oriented. We have to focus on creating wellbeing and balance for the team to get things done the right way. It’s a lot of multitasking, and a lot more goes into it than you might think!”
What Sircle Collection property would you be and why?
While she’s Park Centraal on paper, Rosanna is Sir Albert through and through. The similarities? “It’s cute, cozy and homey.” We couldn’t agree more – or imagine a better Guest Service Manager than that.